Here, however are my suggestions... all of which should be easier learned than expected, and if you care, look vastly more impressive under your belt than the much sought after Romance Languages...So, let's roll on language number 1.
You may be wondering... Norwegian, Why Learn Norwegian? Only around 5 million people speak Norwegian, and those are mainly in Norway... Norway's a cold, desolate place.
Here are reasons to make you think again...
Norway's standard of living has been voted one of the highest in the world for many years. In fact, Norway isn't how you entirely imagine it... a quick Wiki search or the Norwegian Facebook group will change your mind.
Norwegian, being a Germanic language, contains many English cognates that will help you on your way when trying to build a sizeable vocab.
Here are some examples...
tre - tree
busk - bush
gress - grass
hund - dog (hound)
katt - cat
mus - mouse
regn - rain (sounds like 'Rhine' - as in the river)
snΓΈ - snow (said, 'snuh')
vinter - winter
sommer - summer
Norwegian Grammar
Norwegian grammar is surprisingly straightforward... easier than French or even Spanish.
Norwegian verbs are among the easiest to conjugate with any language in Europe.
With the Present Tense, one but only has to add -r to the end of the infinitive, regardless
of who's doing the the action.
ex. Ha - to Have
Jeg har - I have
du har - You have (singular)
han har - He has
vi har - We have
dere har - You have (Plural)
de har - They have
Past Tense has the -te suffix, whereas English has -ed
Plurals are formed by adding -r to the end of a word that ends in a vowel, and -er to a word
ending in a consonant.
Word Order is similar to that of English, often SVO
and so on...
Mutual Intelligibility (source)
Norwegians can... understand 88% of SPOKEN Swedish. (Swedes -> Nor = 48%)
understand 89% of WRITTEN Swedish. (Swedes -> Nor = 86%)
Norwegians can ALSO... understand 93% of WRITTEN Danish. (Dan->Nor=89%)
understand 73% of SPOKEN Danish. (Dan->Nor=69%)
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